Sunday, March 16, 2014

About my blog


     If you stumbled on this blog please note that my blog is not formal.  You will cringe occasionally if not frequently at my editing.  I do not write in this blog in hopes to be published but just to keep a written journal of how I am feeling and perhaps connect with someone who may feel the same way.  Sooooo in other words if you are bothered by grammatical errors or a misspelled word here and there, you may not want to follow my blog lol.

    What I can promise you that if you do is that you will get honesty.  You will get my REAL struggles and my hard earned triumphs.  You will get to know how a real life 39 year old with a middle class income dealt with, and beat being a dying, morbidly obese class III lifestyle.

                                                                                                       Much <3
                                                                                                  Kristy L.

Coming soon