Monday, August 26, 2013

Get out of your comfort zone!

When I told my daughter about Amanda's spin class I didn't realize I would be going with her lol.  Can you imagine my 230+ pound arse spinning?  I shocked myself today when she suggested going by going with her!!!  I will tell you it was HARD.  I will tell you that I didn't NAIL every move.  I will tell you that I didn't stop.  I will tell you I was drenched.  I will also tell you I loved it!

If you take a spin class know that those bikes are hard on your tush and you will probably get cramps and cramps in your feet.  I STILL loved it.

I challenged myself and I did something out of my comfort zone and now I cannot wait for next Monday <3

P.s. Girls do NOT look like this during or after a spin class lol!

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