I say that I am going to start blogging more and then life gets in the way and I always forget. Well this time I mean it. I must make this disclaimer first though. My blog is informal. If grammar errors bother you, you may not want to go any further. I am not an inspiring author. I am a normal mother, wife, and grandmother who sometimes likes you write things down. Sometimes I like to vent. Other times it's because I know my family and friends get completely tired of me talking about my weight loss or even my views on certain things going on in the world today. Just know, that those views are MINE. I am thankful I am unique. I am respectful that you are YOU as well so lets respect each other K?
I posted a status the other day on my Facebook page and I plan on expanding on it a bit.
" While I am taking a 5 minute break from peptide cross bridges and tetrapeptide side chains, can someone please explain to me where the females in this country lost their "need and want" when it comes to being classy. I am ALLLL for the basis of feminism and being treated equal but I do not think acting like harlots, lying, and putting family at the bottom of the chain is what people envisioned. WE NEED to go back to at least the morals of our ancestors. I am SICK of seeing the way some girls act on social media and then read how they are being treated so horrible by men. The answer is they no longer respect us! The answer is also that GOD is being taken out of everything. UGH OK. Rant over."
Sometimes my children tell me that I am "too old" to have certain social media sites lol, I have a very strong opinion about that as well. In short for now, I am an adult on a computer, phone, and Internet that I pay for so what I have or do not have shouldn't concern anyone but me and my husband. (Steps down off the soap box) Anyway, probably the reason they say that is my irritation of what I see on those social media sites. I remember growing up MOST girls wanted to be known as virtuous. If they were sleeping around, they certainly didn't advertise it. They didn't express "how freaky" they are and how much they just loooveeeee having sex. Women now, especially young girls, have completely lost respect for themselves. They show everything they have and talk about things that would make this old lady blush. If you "tweet" or "retweet" about how you like being smacked on the ass or that it is OKAY to sleep with someone the first night what message are you sending?
(NO, IT'S NOT OKAY first of all.)
But who are you talking too? WHO needs to know that? WHY discuss that? It is a shame that females need to have attention so badly that even bad attention is sought. Men see this and I am sorry girls but if you cannot respect yourselves then why should they respect you? You wonder why so many males are becoming Nymphomaniacs.
That is what we are marketing ourselves as ladies!
It's not only about sex and scant wardrobes.
It's about having manners. It is about respecting your parents instead of posting status's, tweets, little cartoons, vines calling our mothers bitches and how they are horrible people.
It's about mothers who put men in their lives before their children and make decision after decision without keeping the innocent children in mind.
I am sorry, it makes me mad. One of the biggest argument I have with my own children is what they choose to "retweet" and "share" on social media.
I DO wish we could go back to women respecting themselves and wanting to be virtuous. I may just "be old" but I respect myself and it bothers me younger generations losing all of that. I have heard that "the older generation wants to complain but look who raised us." NO ONE is responsible for your actions other than the person staring back at you in the mirror. That is a piss poor excuse for bad behavior.
Lastly, it is 2:30 a.m. lol, you see this new trend of #stopwhitepeople (insert eye roll) wellI my new hashtag is #stopyounggirlsstop