Friday, January 1, 2016

Day 1 of 2016- 2015 in review

      2015 was a pretty darn good year.  I had my ups and there were some downs but I survived and I can honestly say I am a better person than I was last year.  Most of all I am proud of myself when it comes to taking steps to stand up for myself and demand to be treated with the respect than I deserve.    I am a victim of allowing people who I love to take advantage of me and talk to me badly. This year I took control of that and while it has not been perfect, I have gotten better.

I graduated with my first college degree and expanded my tutoring business.  I made the presidents list my first semester and the deans list the second semester (I am still a little butt-hurt over the B I got in a lab class this past semester) but still ended with a 3.93 gpa.

My biggest down was gaining 36 pounds back but I ended the year so strong.

2016 is going to be an amazing year. I am in my last semester for my MA degree and will pick up a liberal arts degree as well.  I will begin a career while continuing to run my business. The first part of this year I have a lot of decisions to make as far as my future. I know I want to get a bachelors degree and then go on to get a masters degree.  I also plan to get to my lowest weight (below 200.6) and I plan to become even stronger emotionally.

So here's to the future.  .....

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