It's scary how much a person can change in a year. That is one reason I love time hop. I was just negative and mean. I tried to prove everyone wrong.
God forbid that anyone would say anything about me or my family. I really felt like I was doing them an injustice by not "setting the world straight." What a difference a year makes.
What a difference going to church and developing a relationship with Jesus has made. I realize that people who do not like you don't want to hear the truth. I realized that caring about what anyone says isn't hurting them, it impedes my journey. I was taking time away from the important things in my life to address people who wouldn't like me or my family even if we were perfect. Perfection doesn't exist by the way. As the great Martin Luther King Jr. Said, "A man can't ride your back unless it's bent. " Steve Harvey said, "when they blog about you, it's just a blog, when you respond it's a press conference. "
God forbid that anyone would say anything about me or my family. I really felt like I was doing them an injustice by not "setting the world straight." What a difference a year makes.
What a difference going to church and developing a relationship with Jesus has made. I realize that people who do not like you don't want to hear the truth. I realized that caring about what anyone says isn't hurting them, it impedes my journey. I was taking time away from the important things in my life to address people who wouldn't like me or my family even if we were perfect. Perfection doesn't exist by the way. As the great Martin Luther King Jr. Said, "A man can't ride your back unless it's bent. " Steve Harvey said, "when they blog about you, it's just a blog, when you respond it's a press conference. "
The truth is, if I were really a child of God and I loved myself, I wouldn't care what was said. The most important people know the truth and that's all that matters. When people talk about you, you're doing something right. When you stop your climb to acknowledge hatred, you're doing something wrong. Pray for them instead. God tells us to love even your enemies.
LOVE this post! I miss you, girly. Hope all is well with you!