Friday, December 30, 2016

Forgive them anyway...

      If you ever want to attract conflict, succeed in something.  Start to do well and miserable people will swarm you like bees on honey.  More specifically start to do well where someone else is struggling.  You will literally see the envy seep from their pores.

    Soon you will be forced to feel as though you are wrong for mentioning your accomplishments or steps you took to get there.  People will bring up every mistake from your past. They will hang on to every part of the old you that you fought so hard to change.

     All I try to remember is that misery loves company.  It isn't that they dislike you or that they aren't proud of you.  They are.  They just wish they were at the point in their lives or their weight loss journey as you are.

   Changing is not easy.  Losing weight is not easy.  It is hard.  It is frightening to step outside of a life you know.  We are all unique and we mature at different rates and at different stages of our lives.  If you think you are mature in your 20', you aren't.  I didn't even begin to get my life together until I was 28 years old.

     However, do not feel ashamed for getting where you are.  There are other people watching you and learning from your actions AND reactions.  There are others that are inspired by you.  Shout your accomplishments from the rooftops.  Where you came from and where you're going will or have never been easy.

   Those people are difficult to deal with but I think of something Mother Theresa said;

"Forgive them anyway"

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Who do you think you are?

     For those of you who dislike rants you may want to ignore this post. (Deep breath) I am SO SICK of being ignorant posts about people who are obese, even morbidly obese. Do you think it makes you a better person to poke fun of someone else? Are you perfect? Guess what...perfection does not exist. Do you know their circumstance? They may have a health issue, An emotional situation, medications that save their lives but causes weight gain. You have NO IDEA how much words can hurt. 

     Not every person who is obese is lazy. Not every thin person is healthy. Skinny does NOT equal healthy. Stop bullying others for a laugh to make yourself feel better so you do not have to look in a mirror and face your own imperfections. WORK ON YOU and leave others alone! Be supportive and offer advice and help not criticism. Your body does not define who you are. Your heart does. (mic drop)

Friday, January 1, 2016

Day 1 of 2016- 2015 in review

      2015 was a pretty darn good year.  I had my ups and there were some downs but I survived and I can honestly say I am a better person than I was last year.  Most of all I am proud of myself when it comes to taking steps to stand up for myself and demand to be treated with the respect than I deserve.    I am a victim of allowing people who I love to take advantage of me and talk to me badly. This year I took control of that and while it has not been perfect, I have gotten better.

I graduated with my first college degree and expanded my tutoring business.  I made the presidents list my first semester and the deans list the second semester (I am still a little butt-hurt over the B I got in a lab class this past semester) but still ended with a 3.93 gpa.

My biggest down was gaining 36 pounds back but I ended the year so strong.

2016 is going to be an amazing year. I am in my last semester for my MA degree and will pick up a liberal arts degree as well.  I will begin a career while continuing to run my business. The first part of this year I have a lot of decisions to make as far as my future. I know I want to get a bachelors degree and then go on to get a masters degree.  I also plan to get to my lowest weight (below 200.6) and I plan to become even stronger emotionally.

So here's to the future.  .....

Coming soon