Monday, August 26, 2013

Get out of your comfort zone!

When I told my daughter about Amanda's spin class I didn't realize I would be going with her lol.  Can you imagine my 230+ pound arse spinning?  I shocked myself today when she suggested going by going with her!!!  I will tell you it was HARD.  I will tell you that I didn't NAIL every move.  I will tell you that I didn't stop.  I will tell you I was drenched.  I will also tell you I loved it!

If you take a spin class know that those bikes are hard on your tush and you will probably get cramps and cramps in your feet.  I STILL loved it.

I challenged myself and I did something out of my comfort zone and now I cannot wait for next Monday <3

P.s. Girls do NOT look like this during or after a spin class lol!


I had been hearing a lot about a new phone app for people lol who are obviously bored.  It's asked .  You can have people ask you questions anonymously or you yourself can go ask someone a question and they will "never know who you are." Yes my first thought was this will be a trolls dream app. and it is.  I went ahead and got one just for the reason I said above.  I was bored. 

A few days went by and then a few weeks and surprisingly no rude comments or questions.
I got on a mom's and was reading her questions and answers and as realistic as I am I was still shocked at how rude and cruel people can be.  Talking about someone is one thing but attacking a beautiful, innocent child is another.  The behavior of some of these people just honestly make me fear what this world is heading toward. 

So a few questions started to filter in about Lindsey.  I answered them with honesty and without being rude.  That is until they started to TRY to lie in their questions.  I won't go into the lies just because I deleted the app and well it's just not worth it.  What I am writing this blog for is for one accusation in particular and a question I would like to throw out there for people to ponder.

The accusation stated that it was my fault that Lindsey got pregnant.  Now first anyone that has teenagers or has already gone through that stage knows that if a teenager wants to do something they will do it regardless of how strict a parent is.  Do I accept some responsibility for her pregnancy? Yes, of coarse I do.  I think EVERY parent will blame themselves for a hard time their child goes through.  I could sit here and tell you every reason I am or am not responsible but honestly if you already have a judgement in your head it isn't likely I will change it now.  But I will say is this, Is it YOUR parents fault that they raised a bully and a coward?

Saturday, August 17, 2013

What's in my kitchen?

I thought I would make a list of things I keep in my kitchen at all times during my weight loss journey and then a list of things I want to add. 

  • Bananas
  • low fat cheese
  • whole grain pita bread
  • protein shakes
  • avocado
  • Weight control oatmeal
  • raw oats
  • fat free milk
  • olive oil and olive oil spray
  • brown rice
  • chicken breasts
  • ground turkey
  • egg white
  • Whole wheat bagels
  • Natural peanut butter
  • Black beans
  • Green tea
  • Yogurt

What I want to add:

  • Chia seeds
  • Almonds
  • Almond butter
  • More fish

Do you see anything missing?  Let me know.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


If you think you cannot do it please watch this video.  It is not mine.  I am not taking credit for it but I was asked to share it.  WOW!

<iframe src="" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Coming soon