Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A confession!

     Being obese, let me rephrase that...Being MORBIDLY obese is just like any addiction out there. Yes, I said it and regardless of how angry it makes some of my supporters.  Mind you, I have seen a member of my family struggle through an addiction with drugs.  If you think I am bat shit crazy stop drinking soda for a week.  Stop eating your favorite food for two weeks.  I literally go through spells of shaking when I have come across foods that I really want or in the evening when I want to eat (that was my binge time).  I got severe headaches from the withdraw.  I would spend money that could have been going elsewhere going out to eat ALL THE TIME!  I AM the woman who would get a whole box of snack cakes and sit up at 3 in the morning and devour them.  I will tell you that the taste of those cakes was so great that I would feel like I was floating.  Some research I have read says that eating certain foods invokes the same feeling as being in love and like any other food addict out there I would say that is definitely true, plus the food doesn't leave the toilet seat up so even better ;)

     As with any addiction I really feel you have to hit rock bottom or come damn close to it to realize the damage it is doing.  I hit that rock bottom.   I came face to face with the fact that if I didn't stop eating and putting food before my family that I wasn't going to be here much longer.  You can only be in denial about your chest pains and heavy breathing for so long.

     I am here to tell you though, it does get better.  The cravings do go away but let me just be very real and blunt for a second.  You have to have some self control and you will have to want this change more than anything.

     Anyway, in closing, my name is Kristy and I am now a RECOVERING food addict.

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