Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Cooking & Weight loss tip!

    I talked about cooking in numerous videos so far and one of my biggest things I try to avoid is salt.  When I first started I really didn't know that even "sodium compounds" can have the same effect as salt.  I didn't even know what cooking ingredients were considered sodium compounds.  I started to do some research because I have completely cut sodium out of my cooking and I try to avoid it as much as possible. 

Here are a few things I didn't know were "sodium compounds":

  • monosodium glutamate (MSG)
  • baking soda
  • baking powder
  • sodium benzoate

Here are some cons to sodium:

  • Sodium is addictive
  • Can cause an increased risk of heart attack and stroke
  • Can lead to high blood pressure
  • Can lead to premature death
  • Holds on to "water weight"
We do need some sodium for our bodies to function but it is recommended you consume less than 2,300 mg per day and in the United States most of us take in over 3,500 mg.

I know it is a challenge to remove it from your diet and cooking when you have been so use to having it.  Did you know there are other spices you can use to replace salt?  I can tell you I have stopped using it and I do not miss it.  Here are a list of things I use in place of salt.

  • rosemary
  • marjoram
  • thyme
  • tarragon
  • onion or garlic powder  *NOT SALT*
  •  curry powder
  • pepper
  • nutmeg
  • cummin
  • ginger
  • cilantro
  • bay leaf
  • oregano
  • dry mustard
  • dill
  • Sea salt *use very sparsely* 
Here are some things that are known to be VERY high in sodium:

  • canned soups
  • dressings
  • spice packets
  • Processed foods of any kind 

and I do not mean to beat a dead horse but DRINK YOUR WATER....It will flush these types of toxins out of your system.  

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